2017 MidWinters


2017 MidWinters


Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary's 2017 Midwinter lectures. Speakers include Ted Smith, Donyelle McCray, Jerry Andrews, and Jill Duffield.

Collection Items

Unbearable Scrutiny: Howard Thurman's Spiritual Dilemma
In this second Westervelt of 2017, Donyelle discusses the life and work of Howard Thurman.

Got Some Nerve: Pauli Murray's Spirituality of Risk-Taking
First Westervelt Lecture of 2017. Donyelle McCray discusses the life and work of Civil rights activist, lawyer, and Episcopal Priest Pauli Murray.

Gregory Was Always Active
Second Jones lecture of 2017.

Augustine Was Never Alone
First Jones lecture of 2017. This lecture deals with issues of friendship and St. Augustine.

No Longer Shall They Teach One Another: Theological Education With The End in Mind
The third and and final Currie lecture of Midwinters 2017.

The Political Significance of Theological Education
The Second Currie lecture of 2017. Ted Smith discusses the Long-term questions pertaining to theological education.

Model M and its Afterlives
In this first Currie lecture of 2017, Ted Smith discusses how long-term social changes are affecting theological education.

Goodness and mercy
In this second Midwinter sermon of 2017, Jill Duffield compares contemporary culture to Jesus' sermon on the mount.The Scripture reading was Luke 6:27-38.

The Real People of Walmart
In this first Midwinter sermon of 2017, Jill Duffield invites us to remember that the people we ridicule are the Imago Dei. The Scripture reading was Luke 6:17-26.
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